Monday, January 19, 2009

{i love you more than...}

this is SUCH a cute idea! i found the blog love you more than blank this morning and was instantly smitten. i love this blog and the whole idea behind it. i haven't had a chance to read all of the sentiments yet, but i will be thinking about mine and adding it sometime this week. you can email them here with your fill in the blank valentine sentiment. if you send one in, let me know so i can look for it!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

{first week of 365}

first 9 days:365

i decided that i would try to create a mosaic every week to document my progress on my 365 project here on my regular blog. so this is my first mosaic i have ever made and i am quite proud of myself. actually it wasn't that hard, i used bighugelabs' flickrtoys to create it. it's so easy and fun! anyway, i hope to do this every week here.

{new art project}


so one of my goals for this year is to try new art projects. i came across this project idea on emily falconbridge's blog, here. she is a very talented scrapbooker and artist that i came across a few months ago during one of my blog surfing expeditions.

anyway, the idea is that you answer a question about yourself every week for an entire year. emily is posting the questions and the goal is to answer the question in a mini art journal format of some sort. i decided that i would use playing cards as my medium for this art project. i made a mini album a few months ago during the art class that i was taking and loved working on something so small. it was such a different experience from working on my larger scrapbook pages.

so the first prompt was the question: "what are your wishes for 2009?" and here is my first card for this project...


i am very excited about this project. jackie and courtney are also partaking in this project, which i am also very excited about. you can check out more from this project on the flickr group site: 52Q: a year of mini art journaling

Saturday, January 3, 2009

{new photo project}

well with a new year comes lots of new things. for me, this year, i wanted to attempt another 365 photo project, or a photo a day for a year. i tried this last year as some of you may remember, but it landed me in failure. last year i attempted a self portrait a day, that didn't work for me. this year, i am going for more of a slice of everyday life approach, with just a highlight photo from each day to sum up the activities of the day. now, i know some of you are skeptical that i will stick with this, but, i am going to give it my best shot and hope for success! i think that my new approach to this project will help a lot because i am not limiting myself to a certain type of photo.

so, i will be posting the daily photos on my photo blog, which has gone unloved for quite some time now. you can check it out here...

steph's photo blog

you can also check out my pictures on flickr...

steph's flickr

and i also convinced courtney to join in this project with me. you can see her pictures on flickr also...

courtney's flickr

so hop on over to flickr or the blog and check it out! leave a comment or two, enjoy the photos! (courtney has a few funny ones!) wish me luck...

Friday, January 2, 2009

{favorite links of 2008}

these are a few of my favorite things... :)

these are blogs i frequent or links to things that interest me, just thought i would share the things that have kept me busy this last year.

first of all, places i go for inspiration...

a beautiful mess
tara whitney
ali edwards
today's creative blog
crafty carnival
two peas in a bucket
splitcoast stampers

secondly, people i know...

jay and jackie
alex and megan
andrew and sarah vonfrank

lastly, things that help keep me organized and productive (at least in theory)...

zen habits
creative organizing

and i guess that's it for now, i find new things all the time and i will try to post fun things here more often to share with you. i hope you will take some time to check something out from this list and maybe find something that interests you. have fun!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

{goodbye 2008...}

i cannot believe that the end of 2008 is here already. it seems like the year was just starting not that long ago. i guess it is true what they say about time flying when you get older. this year has been an interesting ride. lots of new adventures and lots of getting back to normal. both of which feel great!

so first things first...a list of firsts for me this year...(in no particular order)

...the first time i ate lunch by myself, i know it seems trivial, but i have never eaten out alone, it was only mcd's, but still first trip to arizona - loved every second of it; gorgeous scenery, an enormous connection to sean, warm!
_MG_1198.jpg first hike - next time i should know that starting with the grand canyon may have been a little ambitious for a newbie like me, but i survived and even enjoyed it (and i didn't have to have my foot amputated :) )

...i bought my first new car! it's a nissan pathfinder and i bought it all by myself and it's my very first brand new car, and i <3 it! first trip to cedar point, which coincides with my first camping trip in a camper and my first camping trip with shawn's family; super great time!
DSCF7126.JPG first thanksgiving at the house without sean...i decided this year that i wanted to have thanksgiving back here at the house and so the whole fam-damily was here, the carabines, the partos, and the grimes' came for was awesome first stab at geocaching (with shawn of course) and i love it soooo much! it is so much fun! i look forward to doing it more in the future first time to go to the cramer reunion, my mom's family's annual reunion in wva; this is not technically the first time i have attended the reunion, but it is the first time i remember. it was a lot of fun, and it was good to have my good buddy shawn with me.
IMG_5522.jpg first trip to boston. not all it was cracked up to be, but it was a week away from home and that is always fun.

...also my first trip to salem, loved salem! such a fun place.
IMG_5666.jpg first visit to historic coney island, lots of surprises here, both good and bad, shawn and leah and i went for a long weekend, we had a great time. it was my first time to a sideshow and my first time seeing a burlseque show, it was so much fun! coney island itself left a little to be desired though...

...i completed my first year of teaching! woo hoo! it was a great year, i loved my students from my first full year, now i look at them as big first graders and they look so old!
IMG_2717.JPG first HonFest; every year Baltimore has a big festival in Hampden, to honor the baltimore hon, most fun was convincing courtney to get some "hon hair"!
IMG_2724.JPG first drink out of a fishbowl!! well it was not technically a fishbowl, but it was a giant flaming volcano bowl of alcohol, this is one i was waiting for! :)
IMG_2557.JPG first visit to assateague island, shawn and i jaunted over there during one of our weekends in ocean city and it was so neat! the wild horses were so cool and it was a gorgeous day to be out there
IMG_5806.jpg first time trying some new craft endeavors outside the paper crafting arena. as you may remember, the last few months i was working on an online class with an artist that i love and i have been trying my hand at a few new things, shawn's mom even bought me a sewing machine for christmas!
teddy doll 1.jpg first christmas morning at home with a new family. the grimes' all spent the night on christmas eve and amber made us all breakfast on christmas morning and we sat in front of the beautiful tree and fireplace and opened our gifts, it was so nice. it was the first time there were more than two people in this house on christmas morn :) first year without sean, there has been goodness and sadness and lots of in between, but i am glad to say that i have made it through and was happy to celebrate his life (as i do quite frequently) with family and friends in east hampton in april for the unveiling of his memorial bench...such a special time and place
sean's memorial bench

well as much as i was looking to expand this list into the "normal" things that happened this year, my "firsts" list is pretty all-encompassing and, boy, i did a lot of things this year, a lot of new things! i am so excited for this next year and all of the new fabulous adventures it will bring. last year was all about survival and making it through, it feels so good to come out on top of that heap and be so excited about life again. that got a little preachy i guess, but every word of it is true. so on to bright and sunny days...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

{holiday daily: day 10}

well, today was quite a special day! bert and leah and shawn and i were supposed to go to new york city this weekend for some christmas fun, but money is crunched and we really couldn't find a good deal on hotels so we decided we would stay home and do some fun things locally. amber is staying with us this weekend and so she tagged along with us, which was fun.

we decided last night that it would be really fun to go to amazing glaze and paint some pottery! this is something that i LOVE to do and i know that bert and leah are also big fans. shawn and amber have never been before, so that was exciting. we all had a great time. here we are all working hard...
bert - amazing glaze

shawn - amazing glaze

leah - amazing glaze

amber - amazing glaze

steph - amazing glaze

group - amazing glaze

after we were finished at amazing glaze, it was snowing! i mean, like really snowing! at first i thought it was just some flurries, but it really lasted for a while. there was no accumulation, but it was cold enough that it stayed on the grass for a while. after our painting, we headed to friday's for dinner.

12.06.08 bert, leah

12.06.08 shawn, steph, amber

the original plan included driving around after dark to look at christmas lights, but when we found out it was snowing, and we were full from eating, we decided we would go home and watch a holiday movie and sit in front of the fire :) so we came home and played some wii mini golf and watched superbad. i know, i know, it's not a holiday movie, but it was a unanimous vote :)

after superbad, bert headed home, shawn headed off to bed, and it was just us girls. leah was going to leave, but amber and i convinced her to stay and watch p.s. i love you. this was a movie that i have wanted to see for some time, but hesitated, because i wasn't sure if i could handle watching it or not. the story is that a woman's husband dies and then she receives letters from him for about a year afterward guiding her to new things in her life. well, after the emotional upheaval i experienced after watching catch and release after sean passed away, i was not sure i was in for another. but man, oh man, this movie was great! it was a total chick flick so to any of the boys reading this: you probably won't like it. but the three of us loved it!

after the movie, we were all (well at least leah and i) looking for a little reminder of our dear dear sean, so i pulled out the stack of videos i have that i thought he might be on. things like our wedding reception and a new years eve in deep creek. it was fun to watch them and fill amber in on what was going on, but we didn't see a lot of sean. it was fun to reminisce and it was a nice way to end the day.

well today was a busy, but awesome, day.